
System Design

System Design


Redis Redis (Remote Dictionary Server)

In-memory key-value data store. Stores cache data into physical storage if needed.

Executes ultra-fast LUA scripts.

Supports blocking queues.

Single threaded: an individual command is always atomic Provide concurrency at the I/O level by I/O multiplexing + even loop. Atomicity is at no extra cost (doesn’t require synchronization between threads) CPU is usually not the bottleneck. IT’s either memory or network bound. Redis 4.0 more threaded: deleting objects in the background, blocking commands implemented via Redis modules

Pipelining (vs batching?) Redis commands

Multi/exec sequence ensures no other clients are executing commands in between.

Transactions: MULTI, EXEC, DISCARD, WATCH Rollback is not supported


CRDTs: Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types

TCP ports

  • Redis TCP port: node to clients
  • Cluster bus port: node to node
    • Redis Cluster Bus
    • Binary protocol (Gossip)
    • Full mesh
    • Propagate information about the cluster
      • Discover new nodes
      • Send ping packets for failure detection
      • Configuration updates
      • Failover authorization
      • Propagate Pub/Sub messages
title: Node handshake
    Note over Node X, Node B: Even if Node X is untrusted
    Node X->>Node B: PING
    Node B-->>Node X: PONG/The provided argument
    Note over Node A, Node B: Requested by System Admin
    Node A->>Node B: CLUSTER MEET ip port
    Node B-->>Node A: OK
    Node B->>Node C: Gossip message about A


  • PING and PONG packets
  • Every node:
    • pings a few random nodes every second
    • makes sure to ping every other node that hasn’t sent a ping or received a pong for > NODE_TIMEOUT / 2
title: Failure Detection
    Node A->>Node B: PING
    Note left of Node B: No reply after NODE_TIMEOUT / 2
    Node A->>Node B: Try to reconnect
    Note left of Node B: No reply after NODE_TIMEOUT
    Node A->>Node A: Flag Node B PFAIL
    Other Nodes-)Node A: Gossip about Node B
    Note right of Node A: The majority of Masters flagged Node B PFAIL/FAIL
    Note right of Node A: within NODE_TIMEOUT * FAIL_REPORT_VALIDITY_MULT
    Node A->>Node A: Flag Node B FAIL
    Node A-)Other Nodes: Send FAIL messages
    Note over Node A, Other Nodes: NOT a FAIL condition within a heartbeat message
    Other Nodes-)Other Nodes: Flag Node B FAIL
title: Flag of Node B
    [*] --> PFAIL: Unreachable
    [*] --> FAIL: FAIL message
    PFAIL --> FAIL: Majority agreement or FAIL Message
    FAIL --> [*]: Reachable
    note right of FAIL
        - Replica
        - Master Not serving any slot
        - Master N * NODE_TIMEOUT has elapsed without detectable replica promotion
    end note

Data persistence

  • RDB: snapshots
    • dump.rdb by default
    • Manual commands: SAVE/BGSAVE
    • fork() using a child process
  • AOF (Append Only Files)
    • fsync policies
    • Log rewriting: BGREWRITAOF
    • More durable (how much data you can afford to lose)



Algorithmic sharding:

HASH_SLOT = CRC16(key) mod 16384

hash tags force certain keys to be stored in the same hash slot

title: Redirection
    Client->>Node A: Query <hash_slot>
    alt Has <hash_slot>
        Node A->>Node A: Process
        Node A-->>Client: Reply
        Node A->>Node A: Look up hash slot to node map
        Node A-->>Client: -MOVED <hash_slot> <ip:port>
    Client->>Client: CLUSTER SHARDS (Update slot configuration map)


READONLY: client is OK reading possibly stale data and it not interested in running write queries. Replica nodes will not redirect client to the authoritative master for the hash slot involved in the given command.

title: Scaling reads using READONLY
    Client->>Replica: Read
    alt Keys served by the replica's master
        Replica-->>Client: Reply
        Replica-->>Client: -MOVED <hash_slot> <ip:port>
        Note over Client, Replica: 1) Never served 2) Resharded
    Client->>Client: CLUSTER SHARDS


Replication: Master-replica (Leader-follower)

Asynchronous replication by default.

Not strong consistency!

title: Failure Mode 1
    activate Master
    Client->>Master: Write
    Master-->>Client: Ack
    deactivate Master
    Note right of Master:  Master failed
    Master-xReplica: Replicate
    Note right of Replica:  Promoted as Master
    Note right of Replica:  Data loss

Synchronous replication is supported when absolutely needed, via WAIT. But it’s always possible that a replica that was not able to receive the write will be elected as master. So it’s not strong consistency.

Actions that change master dataset:

  • client writes
  • keys expired or evicted
  • others

Master-replica link breaks (due to network issues or timeout): partial resynchronization

title: Synchronization
    Replica->>Master: PSYNC (Replication ID + offset)
    alt Partial resynchronization
        Master-->>Replica: Incremental part
    else Full synchronization
            Master->>Master: Produce an RDB file
            Master->>Master: Buffer all new write commands<br/>received from the clients
    Note right of Master: Diskless replication
    Master-->>Replica: RDB + buffered commands
    Replica-)Master: Acknowledgement of data processed

Failure Detection


  • Unresponsive master node is considered to be failing and can be replaced by one of its replicas
  • If a master node cannot sense the majority of the other masters, it enters error state



at-most-once message delivery semantics

Messages are sharded.

Redis Streams

Redis Sentinel

Provides high availability for Redis when not using Redis Cluster.

Redis Sentinel

  • Automatic failover: high availability
  • Monitoring
  • Notification
  • Configuration provider


Redis + Sentinel as a whole are an eventually consistent system where the merge function is last failover wins.

title: Failover
    activate Master
    Sentinel->>Master: PING
    deactivate Master
    Note right of Sentinel:  No valid reply for down-after-milliseconds
    Note right of Sentinel: SDOWN
    loop Failure detection
        Sentinel->>Sentinel: >= quorum
    Note right of Sentinel: ODOWN
    loop Vote
        Sentinel->>Sentinel: >= max(majority, quorum)
    Note right of Sentinel: Replica selection
    Sentinel->>Elected Replica: REPLICAOF NO ONE
    Elected Replica--)Sentinel: The switch is observed in INFO
    loop Broadcasting
        Sentinel->>Sentinel: Configuration (with epoch)
    Sentinel->>Other Replicas: Reconfigure
    activate Master
    Sentinel->>Master: Reconfigure
    deactivate Master



Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka Apache Kafka


File system + Page cache

Persistent queue: simple reads and appends to files

  • All operations are O(1)
  • eads do not block writes or each other.


  • Brokers
  • Kafka Connect: continuously import and export data as event streams to integrate Kafka with your existing systems such as relational databases as well as other Kafka clusters.

Event: key, value, timestamp and ptional metadata headers


  • Multi-publisher and multi-subscriber
  • Event retain is configurable (not deleted after consumption)
  • Partitioned
    • Scalability
    • Append-only sequence of records arranged chronologically
    • Per partition read preserves order
  • Replicated: RF = 3 by default
  • Each record is given an offset
  • A single topic can contain multiple partition logs (parallel processing)
  • Topic’s default retention time: 7 days

Event -> File; Topic -> Folder

Topic Topic with 4 paritions


  • A replica is the redundant element of a topic partition
  • Each partition contains one or more replicas across brokers
  • Each partition has Leader + Followers
  • Per partition, “at least one” delivery semantics
  • ISR: In-Sync Replica. A replica that has been out of ISR for a long period of time indicates that the follower is unable to fetch data at the same rate as the leader
  • Geo-Replication: MirrorMaker

Brokers -> Cluster

  • Managed by Kafka Raft (Kraft) Protocol
  • Each broker handles GB (~10^5 count) R/W /s
  • Broker leader election
  • Stateless
  • Multi-tenant: allow for many topics on the same cluster.
  • Unbalanced cluster
    • Leader skew. Solutions:
      • auto.leader.rebalance.enable=true
    • Broker skew. Solutions:
      • Partition reassignment tool


  • Transmit JSON-format data to broker is in a compressed batch
    • Batch size
    • Liner duration

Consumers -> Consumer Group

  • Pull model
  • For a topic, #(customers) == #(partitions) to ensure consumers keep up with producers

Maximum message size: 1MB High throughput: millions of messages per second

  • Fault-tolerant storage
  • Pub/sub
  • Monitor metrics/security logs
  • Stream processing (inefficient for data transformations)

Kafka Schema Registry: ensures the (Avro) schema used by the consumer and the producer are identical. The producer submits the schema ID using the Confluent schema registry in Kafka.

  • Log compaction
    • For each topic partition, at least the last known value for each message key within the log of data is kept.
    • Restoration
  • Quotas
    • Byte-rate limits that are set for each client-id
    • Prevent a single application from monopolizing broker resources

Message Delivery Semantics

  • At most once
  • At least once
  • Exactly once




Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB

Dynamo Paper

Data Versioning

Vector clock

  • (node, count)
  • Clock truncation scheme

Handling Failures

Sloppy quorum: all read and write operations are performed on the first N healthy nodes from the preference list

title: Hinted Handoff
    Client->>Node A: Write
    Note left of Node A: Node A is unavailable
    Client->>Node B: Send replica
    Node B->>Node B: Store a hint of the intended recipient <br/> (Node A) to metadata
    Node B->>Node B Local Database: Store the hinted replica
    Node B-) Node B Local Database: Scan periodically

    Activate Node A
    Note right of Node A: Node A is recovered
    Node B->>Node A: Send replica
    Node B-) Node B Local Database: Delete the replica
    Deactivate Node A


R, W and N

Apache Cassandra

Apache Cassandra


Column family: a container for an ordered collection of rows Row: an ordered collection of columns

  • Row key
  • Column keys
  • Column values

Primary Key

  • Single Primary Key
  • Compound Primary Key
    • Partitioning Key + Clustering Key
    • Clustering is the process that sorts data in the partition
  • Composite Partitioning Key

Data Partitioning (Dynamo Style)

LWW-Element-Set CRDT (Last-Write-Wins)

The default partitioner is the Murmur3Partitioner (MurmurHash)

Consistent Hashing

  • vnode
    • The more tokens, the higher the probability of an outage
    • Cluster-wide maintenance operations are often slowed
    • Performance of operations that span token rangs could be affected

Multi-Master Replication

Replication strategy

  • NetworkTopologyStrategy: requires a specified replication_factor (RF) per datacenter; rack-aware (Snitch)
  • SimpleStrategy: allows a single RF to be defined; only for testing clusters

Replica synchronization

  • Best effort
    • Read path: Read repair
      • Monotonic Quorum Reads (BLOCKING): in 2 successive quorum reads, it’s guaranteed the 2nd one won’t get something older than the 1st one
      • Write Atomicity (NONE): prevents reading partially applied writes; partition level
    • Write path: Hinted handoff
  • Anti-entropy repair: Full repair; compare hierarchical hash-trees across replicas using Merkle Tree
  • Sub-range repair: increase the resolution of the hash trees
  • Incremental: only repair the partitions that have changed since the last repair

Hinted handoff Hinted Handoff

Data Versioning

Mutation timestamp versioning: requires time synchronization (NTP.)



  • ONE
  • TWO
  • ALL
  • ANY: a single replica may respond, or the coordinator may store a hint. Accepted for write operations only.


  • Write: always sent to all replicas, regardless of consistency level
  • Read: sent to enough replicas to satisfy the consistency level
    • One exception: when speculative retry may issue a redundant read request to an extra replica if the original replicas have not responded within a specified time window

Failure detection

Gossip Protocol

Cluster bootstrapping information

  • State information: versioned with vector clock of (generation, version)
  • Token metadata
  • Schema version

Seed nodes

  • Designated at cluster bootstrap
  • Hotspots for gossip

Non-seed nodes

  • Must contact at least one seed node to bootstrap into the cluster.
  • Often contacts one seed node for each rack or datacenter.

Every node, every second:

  1. Updates the local node’s heartbeat state (the version) and constructs the node’s local view of the cluster gossip endpoint state.
  2. Picks a random other node in the cluster to exchange gossip endpoint state with.
  3. Probabilistically attempts to gossip with any unreachable nodes (if one exists)
  4. Gossips with a seed node if that didn’t happen in step 2.

Storage Engine

Log Structured Merge (LSM) Tree

  • CommitLog: an append-only log of all mutations local to a node
  • MemTables: in-memory structures where Cassandra buffers writes
    • One active memtable per table
  • SSTables: the immutable data files that Cassandra uses for persisting data on disk
    • Cassandra triggers compactions which combine multiple SSTables into one
  • Write: CommitLog -> MemTables -> SSTable
  • Read: Bloom Filter -> Partition Key Cache -> Partition Index



Apache HBase

Wide column. Time series data


Time series data

Distributed File System

Apache Hadoop File System (HDFS)

Apache Hadoop Apache Hadoop

Availability Scalability Performance

CAP Theorem: Consistency, Availability and Parition Tolerance

Distributed cache:

  • Dedicated cache cluster
  • Co-located cache

Shards: consistent hashing (cache client, server (Redis) or cache proxy (Twemproxy))


  • Domino effect
  • Uneven server distribution


  • add each server on the circle multiple times
  • Jump Hash algorithm (Google)
  • Proportional Hash (Yahoo!)

Possible problem: hot shard

Hot partition solution:

  • Include event time to the parition key
  • Split hot parition into more partitions
  • Dedicated parition for popular items

Configuration management tool

Configuration Service:

  • Apache ZooKeeper

Data replication: availability Protocols:

  • Probabilistic: gossip, epidemic broadcast tree, bimodal multicase
    • Eventual consistency
  • Consensus: 2 or 3 phase commit, Paxos, Raft, chain replication
    • Strong consistency

Leader-Follower replication:

  • Leader: put, get
  • Follower: get (deals with hot shards problem)

Leader election:

  • Configuration service (Apache ZooKeeper, Redis Sentinel)
  • Implement in cluster

Data replication is asynchronous, which may cause failures or inconsistency

Source of inconsistency:

  • Asynchronous data replication
  • Inconsistent server list

Expired items:

  • Passive expire: remove when read them
  • Active expire: a thread runs periodically to clean. If dataset is too big, test a several items use probablistic algorithms at every run

Firwall to protect cache server ports Cache elements can be encrypted

Databases ca handle millions of requests per second (source?)


Distributed Coordination Service

  • Synchronization
  • Configuration maintenance
  • Groups and naming

Apache ZooKeeper

Apache ZooKeeper

Apache ZooKeeper: high performace, high availability, strictly ordered access.

  • Shared hierarchical namespace (file system)
  • Data registers - znodes (files and directories)
  • Data are in-memory (high throughput, low latency)
  • Ordered: stamps each update with a number that reflects the order of all transactions
  • Single system image: a client’s view of the service keeps the same regardless of the server that it connects to


  • Coordination Data
    • Each node can have data associated with it (like a file system that allows a file to also be a directory)
    • Data stored at each znode is usually small (B ~ KB)
  • R/W
    • Atomic
    • Works best for read-dominant workload: (r/w ratios = 10:1)
  • Client
    • Client maintains a TCP connection to a znode
    • Client can set a watch which will be triggered and removed when the znode changes
  • Persistent znodes
  • Ephemeral znodes: live only when the session that created the znode is alive
  • Sequential znodes: have a unique, monotonically increasing sequence number automatically appended to its name upon creation. Can be either persistent or ephemeral.

Znode stat structure

  • Version numbers for data changes
  • ACL changes
  • Timestamps


Ensemble: a set of hosts

Servers must all know about each other

  • In-memory: image of state
  • Persistent storage: transaction logs and snapshots

ZooKeeper is available if a majority of the servers are available

Leader election: Sequential feature??


ZooKeeper Components ZooKeeper Components

Client requests

  • Read: serviced from the local replica of each server database
  • Write: processed by an atomic agreement protocol
    • All write requests from clients are forwarded to the leader
    • The messaging layer takes care of replacing leaders on failures and syncing followers with leaders
    • Local replicas never diverge


Counter-based algorithms

  • Count-min sketch
  • Lossy counting
  • Sapce saving
  • Sticky sampling

Lambda Architecture Nathan Marz, Apache Storm, Jay Kreps, Apache Kafka

Stream Processing Framework

Apache Spark

Apache Spark Apache Spark

Apache Flink Apache Flink


  • Request valiation
  • Authentication/Authorization
  • TLS termination
  • Server-side encryption
  • Caching
  • Rate limiting
  • Request dispatching
  • Request deduplication
  • Usage data collection

  • Users/Customers
    • Who
    • How
  • Scale
    • Requests per second
    • Traffic spikes
  • Performace
    • Latency
  • Cost
    • Development cost
    • Maintenance cost

SQL: Normalization Sharding, Cluster proxy (configuration service), shard proxy

  • Cache
  • Monitor health
  • Publish metris
  • Terminate long queries Vitess (YouTube)


  • ACID transactions
  • Complex dynamic queries
  • Data analytics
  • Data warehousing


  • Easy scaling for both writes and reads
  • Highly available
  • Tolerate network partitions

Some keywords:

  • Scalable: partitioning
  • Reliable: replication and checkpointing
  • Fast: in-memory

Data enrichment Embedded database (LinkedIn): RocksDB


  • blocking: create one thread for each new connection, easy to debug
  • non-blocking I/O


  • increases throughput
  • saves on cost
  • request compression


  • connection timeout: tens of ms
  • request timeout: exponential backoff and jitter
    • Circuite Breaker: prevents repeat retries

Resource dispatching

  • Bulkhead pattern: isolates elements of an application into pools.

Load balancers

  • Round robin
  • Least connections
  • Least response time
  • Hash-based

Service discovery:

  • Server-side: load balancer
  • Client-side
    • Service registry (e.g. Apache ZooKeeper, Netflix Eureka)
    • Gossip protocol


  • Single leader: SQL scaling
  • Multi leader: (TBD)
  • Leaderless: Apache Cassandra

Binary formats:

  • Thrift: tag
  • Protocol buffers: tag
  • Avro

Storage strategy: Data rollup Hot/Cold storage Data federation


  • Netty: Non-blocking I/O
  • Netflix Hystrix
  • Polly

Load balancer:

  • NetScaler: hardware
  • NGINX: software

Performace testing

  • Load testing
  • Stress testing: find break point
  • Soak testing: find leaking resources Apache JMeter to generate load


  • Latency
  • Traffic
  • Errors
  • Saturation

Audit System:

  • Weak: Canary
  • Strong: Different path, Lambda Architecture

Queue message deletion:

  • Offset (Apache Kafka)
  • Mark as invisible so other cosumers won’t see it. The consumer who retrieved the message deletes it explicitly, otherwise it becomes visible again (AWS SQS)

Message delivery:

  • At most once
  • At least once
  • Exactly once (hard to achieve)

Message sharing

  • Broadcasting (full mesh)
  • Gossip protocol (< several thousands)
  • Redis
  • Coordination service

Service + Daemon

maxmemory: write commands starts to fail or evict keys

Twitter Snowflake: Unique ID generator

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