Feature Immutable Variable (let) Constants (const) Evaluation Runtime Compile-time Type Optional (inferred) Required ...
Feature Immutable Variable (let) Constants (const) Evaluation Runtime Compile-time Type Optional (inferred) Required ...
周朝君主世系圖 周厲王 姬姓,名胡,在西周青銅器銘文中作「㝬」 國人暴動(前841年) 共和行政 召穆公和周定公二相行政 共伯和攝行王政 共伯和攝政稱王,召穆公、周定公參與行政,即「三卿共政」 周宣王 姬姓,名靜,一作靖 召穆公、尹吉甫1、仲山甫、方叔、申伯 宣王中興 千畝之戰(前790年) 料民於太原 檿弧箕服,實亡周國:褒姒 濫殺杜伯2 ...
Overview Form-I Template The most commonly used template of monotonically strictly increasing stack is shown belown: // Monotonically increasing stack (strict) stack<int> st; for (int i = ...
Cryptography I Study notes for Cryptography I (Standord University) on Coursera. Stream Ciphers Probability Random variable: a function that maps universal set to a subset: \(X: U \rightarrow...
Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum private int sum = Integer.MIN_VALUE; public int maxPathSum(TreeNode root) { dfs(root); return sum; } /** * Max sum of paths which start from node. * @param...
Media query: CSS Box Alignment source first-child first-of-type <div class="parent"> <h1>Child</h1> <!--...
Dan Saks. (2001). Lvalues and Rvalues Lvalue-ness is a compile-time property Every expression is either an lvalue or an rvalue An object is a manipulatable region of stora...
前言 本文的主体内容取自于本人十年前在百度帖吧三国杀吧的一篇帖子:【理论】数学与三国杀——三国杀武将技能概率。现加以整理、改进和删增。 本文通过对三国杀某些武将技能相关的概率及期望的研究,使这些技能的强度和收益可以精确量化,从而对玩家在特定游戏局中选将、发动技能、出牌顺序等起到帮助作用。 研究范围 卡牌 本文只考察军争篇卡牌。其点数、花色以及类型具体分布如下: (图片来源:h...
Acyclic Graph flowchart LR A([Acyclic Graph]) --> B{Directed?} B -->|Yes| C[DAG] B -->|No| D{Forest} D --> E{Connected?} E -->|Yes| F{Tree} A topological sorti...
Non-Overlapping Segments Number of Sets of K Non-Overlapping Line Segments Reverse Pairs Examples: Count of Smaller Numbers After Self Reverse Pairs Number of Pairs Satisfying Inequality...